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Us vs Them, Me vs You

Keith York
2 min readNov 5, 2020


Really struggling, today especially, over the divisiveness. I have absolutely no depth to these thoughts that I can articulate other than to say they’re persistent.

#1. There are two words being used a lot lately that I’d like to see each person step back and evaluate for a moment. Freedom and Democracy. We tend to think of these words selfishly — as in “I live in a free country” and “My vote counts”. Someone I heard speak recently pointed out for me, however, that they are actually a gift given by everyone else. YOU are only free because the rest of the people in this country agreed to an unspoken contract, by being willing citizens of this country, to grant you that freedom. The same with your vote. It counts because we’re all proud to live in a country where every vote counts.

It helps me to think of Freedom and Democracy as gifts that I graciously give to everyone else, rather than things I demand for myself.

#2. We are not a country divided by two political parties. We are a country divided by two extremely volatile and misrepresentative figureheads.

One of those figureheads is Donald Trump. Those who oppose him don’t necessarily oppose conservative thought or ideals, they oppose him as an individual who they view as egotistical, narcissistic and dangerous to our democracy. I think there are many conservatives who would agree with that assessment. Net/Net — DT is not a fair representation of the Republican Party.

The other figurehead is one that I think isn’t real but has been created by conservative media and conspiracy theorists and who shares the most extreme views of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, is a card-carrying socialist and looks like a combination of Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. (Some go as far as to believe he/she/it is a Satan-worshipping pedophile as well.). Also not a fair representation.

As a first step towards peace, let’s stop focusing on the figureheads



Keith York

If I’m honest with myself, I write about being human as a way to validate for myself that I meet the qualifications.